Classes We Offer
Obedience Classes
Puppy Starter (6 Weeks)
Preventing behaviour problems before they start!

What is it?
The puppy starter class is for puppies specifically under 6 months of age, NOT for older dogs. We recognize the growing need for puppy training for well socialized, calm and balanced temperaments for pet owners. This class works towards preventing behaviour problems before they start! By focusing more on developmental skills such as confidence boosting, socialization in many different forms, body awareness skills, and life skills that will make the dog successful as a companion later in life. This class does include some simple, basic obedience skills, with the primary focus being attention to the handler sit, lay down, coming when called and boundary introductions. Social time with people, other dogs and teaching dog owners how to navigate the first few months of puppy ownership, while ensuring that their dog matures into the type of dog that can go anywhere and do anything with their owner and is welcomed as a member of the community. Puppy starter class is a “building block” class to start young puppies out on the right path while focusing on their developmental needs.
Topics covered:
- luring and marking behaviours
- introduction to shaping
- socialization in the form of weekly homework checklist goals for owners
- confidence building with novel objects and how to overcome fear reactions
- crate and boundary training
- basic obedience skills limited to: sit, lay down, recalls, loose leash walking, focus on handler
- impulse control w/ intro to leave it
- preventing jumping up (auto sit when greeting people)
- problem solving skills (puppy puzzles)
- supervised play sessions with other puppies (social development)
- preventing resource guarding
- body handling
Obedience Basics (6 Weeks)
Introduction to obedience commands for dogs over 6 months.

What is it?
Obedience basics is the introduction to obedience commands for dogs that are over the age of 6 months. This class can be used as an introduction to obedience for a dog that has never had any previous training in a class setting, or for graduates of the Crazy Tails Puppy Starter class. This class begins diving into obedience at a beginner level and is ideally the second step in the Crazy Tails "Top Dog" program (the top dog program begins with Puppy starter and progresses through the obedience class levels until Advanced Obedience.) This class can be step one for dogs that may have been adopted at an older age and are just beginning their obedience journey but are too advanced in age for the puppy starter class as their brain development phase is already over and socialization window is closed.
Topics covered:
- focus on the handler
- sit with duration
- down with duration
- long line recalls
- leaving food & objects
- loose leash walking with duration & distractions
- introduction to stay command
- send to mat
- auto sit while greeting people
- passing dogs on leash
Intermediate Obedience (6 Weeks)
Introducing more challenging behaviours.

What is it?
Intermediate Obedience is the third step in the Crazy Tails "Top Dog Program" or the second progression class after Obedience Basics. This class can only be accessed by taking the Obedience Basics class beforehand or any dog enrolled for Intermediate Obedience must already have a basic understanding of all obedience commands outlined in the Obedience Basics class. This class begins to expand the obedience skills already instilled in the dog and introducing more challenging behaviours and includes more challenges with distractions, duration of behaviours, precision of movements and an introduction to distance work with the use of a long line.
Topics covered:
- sit with distance & duration with focused attention to handler
- down with distance & duration with focused attention to handler
- reliable long line recalls with distractions
- stand command
- introduction to distance hand signals
- send to mat & hold with distractions
- introduction to heeling
- front on recalls
- finish positions
- proofing leave it command
- long line stay command w/ duration & distractions
Advanced Obedience (6 Weeks)
Perform on a single cue and without fail in a highly distracting environment.

What is it?
The final progression class before advancing into specialty obedience and competition specialty classes. Advanced Obedience is the fourth step in the "Crazy Tails Top Dog Program" and focuses on the precision of cues, reliability under distractions, duration of behaviours and of leash work. Dogs that are enrolled in this class MUST complete the intermediate obedience class before they can move on to this level, dogs at this level must be non-reactive to other dogs and people as they will be trusted to work off leash in a group setting. This class is to proof behaviours to a level of "real life" level when the dog is expected to perform exercises on a single cue and without fail in a highly distracting environment. This class is also applicable to competition performance dogs that need to work on precision and proofing for competition obedience at the CKC Novice level. This class is also ideal for dogs and handlers working towards a CGN certificate or a therapy dog program certificate.
Topics covered:
- off leash sit with distractions for 2 mins
- off leash down with distractions for 3 mins
- send to mat from a distance with distractions and hold until released
- focused heel around distractions
- reliable off leash recall to handler with front
- finish commands
- stand stay
- moving down
- leaving multiple high value food and objects (both set out and dropped)
- introduction to change of positions at a short distance
- stand for exam
Competitive Obedience (6 Weeks)
Who’s the boss? You are.

Who is this class for?
This class is for any dog over who has completed our Advanced Obedience class.
Proof of vaccinations for Parvovirus and Canine Distemper will be required. We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
This class will prepare your dog for a Canadian Kennel Club Novice Obedience title by working to proof their behaviour so they are competition ready!
Items to bring to class
Favourite Treats/Toy, Collar/harness, Leather/Nylon/Cotton Leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Rally Obedience (6 Weeks)
A fun sport for both of you.

Who is this class for?
Beginner Obedience or equivalent training required
Proof of vaccination will be required for Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, and Rabies.
We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
This class outlines the rules to compete in CARO Rally and introduces you to all of the CARO Rally Obedience Novice signs. Upon completion of this class you will have the skills necessary to compete in any CARO sanctioned Rally Trial or fun match.
For more information about Rally Obedience, see The Canadian Association of Rally Obedience.
Items to bring to class
Favourite treats/toy, buckle collar, harness or head halter, leather, nylon or cotton leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Scent Detection Classes

Scent Detection Level 1 (6 Weeks)
The nose knows.

Who is this class for?
This class is for dogs/handlers who want to get started in Scent Detection!
Proof of vaccinations for Parvovirus and Canine Distemper will be required. We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
In this class we introduce you to the concept of scent work and taech your dog the game! You will start working on your dogs drive and motivation to play the game!
Items to bring to class
Favourite/Smelly Treats, Collar/harness, Leather/Nylon/Cotton Leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Scent Detection Level 2 (6 Weeks)
The nose knows.

Who is this class for?
This class is for dogs/handlers who have take our Scent Detection Level 1 class, and want to progress their training!
Proof of vaccinations for Parvovirus and Canine Distemper will be required. We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
In this class we build upon your dogs drive for the game, challenging them under different conditions. We will introduce different target odours and test your skills as a handler and your dog, with a Sport Detection Dog Association (SDDA) Designated Odour Test (DOT.)
Items to bring to class
Favourite/Smelly Treats, Collar/harness, Leather/Nylon/Cotton Leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Scent Detection Level 3 (6 Weeks)
The nose knows.

Who is this class for?
This class is for dogs/handlers who have take our Scent Detection Level 2 class, and want to progress their training!
Proof of vaccinations for Parvovirus and Canine Distemper will be required. We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
This class will proof both your skills, and your dogs in different environments and conditions! We will also teach you how to take the game outside!
Items to bring to class
Favourite/Smelly Treats, Collar/harness, Leather/Nylon/Cotton Leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Scent Detection Level 4 (6 Weeks)
The nose knows.

Who is this class for?
This class is for dogs/handlers who have take our Scent Detection Level 3 class, and want to progress their training!
Proof of vaccinations for Parvovirus and Canine Distemper will be required. We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
In this class we help you get ready for competitive scent detection to the SDDA standards!
Items to bring to class
Favourite/Smelly Treats, Collar/harness, Leather/Nylon/Cotton Leash
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Specialized Training Classes
Canine Good Neighbour Prep (5 Weeks)
Responsible ownership.

What does this class cover?
The Canine Good Neighbour Preparation Class or CGN Prep Class is for owners who are interested in participating in a Canadian Kennel Club Canine Good Neighbour Test. This class is a 5 week course that is taught by a Canadian Kennel Club CGN evaluator. This class does not include the test itself but goes through each exercise that is conducted on the Good Neighbour test and allows students to be fully prepared for the requirements and rules of the test, as well as how to handle their dog through each exercise and prepare the dog to obtain a PASS on the test and receive the CGN certification. This class is open to all dogs, purebred and mixed breeds over the age of 6 months that already have a basic obedience foundation.
View the detailed test outline on the Canadian Kennel Club
Reactive Dog Classes (6 Weeks)
Manners matter, especially for on- leash dogs.

Who is this class for?
no age limit
Proof of vaccination will be required for Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Parainfluenza and Rabies.
We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
This class focuses on dogs that struggle with on-leash interactions with people and other dogs. Primarily for dogs that have a tendency to exhibit very strong displays of aggressive or excitable behaviour beyond what we would consider acceptable. This class teaches dogs to have calm, controlled interactions with other dogs through a systematic desensitization approach. This class uses a combination of positive reinforcement and correction based methods. Please speak with one of our trainers BEFORE signing up for this class to determine if it would be an appropriate choice for your dog.
Items to bring to class
Favourite treats/toy, buckle collar, harness or head halter, leather/nylon/cotton leash at least 6 feet in length
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Reactive Dog Exposure Classes (1 Day)
Manners matter, especially for on- leash dogs.

Who is this class for?
no age limit
Proof of vaccination will be required for Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Parainfluenza and Rabies.
We ask that proof of vaccines please be brought in with you on the first night of class for our trainer to verify. If you do not have a copy of your dog's most recent vaccines please contact your vet clinic.
What does this class cover?
This class focuses on dogs that struggle with on-leash interactions with people and other dogs. Primarily for dogs that have a tendency to exhibit very strong displays of aggressive or excitable behaviour beyond what we would consider acceptable. This class teaches dogs to have calm, controlled interactions with other dogs through a systematic desensitization approach. This class uses a combination of positive reinforcement and correction based methods. Please speak with one of our trainers BEFORE signing up for this class to determine if it would be an appropriate choice for your dog.
Items to bring to class
Favourite treats/toy, buckle collar, harness or head halter, leather/nylon/cotton leash at least 6 feet in length
Items NOT allowed in group class
Choke collar, Flexi leash, Front clip harnesses
Private Consultations
One-on-one training for your dog.

We offer private sessions for dogs with behavioural problems, or if you would like instruction on a specific issue that you are having with your dog. We can come to your home, or we can meet you anywhere in Saskatoon to work with you and your dog. We will schedule a 30 minute initial consult and then schedule a 1 hour training session.
For help with more complex behaviour problems (human or dog aggression, severe separation anxiety, resource guarding, leash reactivity, etc.). We provide a complete, customized training program for dogs with complex behaviour issues and have a certified canine behaviour consultant on staff!
Please contact us to speak with a trainer to discuss your options and schedule a consult.